碼頭休閒大飯店下午茶套餐 - 南投好好玩

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Harbor Resort Hotel-Afternoon Tea


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Harbor Resort Hotel Afternoon Tea- A muffin meal, and a cup of Assam black tea.

  • Online Voucher

  • 電子票證

  • Valid dates

    即日起 ~ 2025/12/20

  • Valid dates

    即日起 ~ 2025/12/31

  • MAP

  • Payment Method

    Credit Card

  • 3

Harbor Resort Hotel - Afternoon Tea

※A serving of waffle for one and a cup of Assam black tea.

Package expiration date is 12/31 of the year.
After online credit card payment is completed, it’ll produce goods QRcodes.
Please print your QR code or show it via smart phone to redeem at Harbor Resort Hotel.

※After online credit card payment is completed, it’ll produce goods QRcodes.

※You can find QRcodes at your Email or Login to website member center.

※Please present QRcode on smart phone or print it in advance to redeem at Harbor Resort Hotel

※Address: No. 11, Mingsheng St., Yuchi Township, Nantou (Shuishe Village at Sun Moon Lake) 

※Phone reservation in advance is necessary. Reservation number: 049-2855143. It’s not applicable during Chinese New Year.

1.Merchandise must be made from the same agent for each order and it must be quoted in NT.
2.Early reservation might be necessary before using tour package merchandise. Please refer the description of each merchandise.

3.The usage expiration of travel merchandise:
Package voucher expiration date is 12/31 of the year. Unused items within expiration date are refundable upon the rules of Cingjing travel agency.

4.Refund rule: handling fee is NT30
Whoever has used the partial voucher, the original price of the used items should be deducted.

5.Please follow the steps below:Login to website→「member center」→「My orders(Completed)」→Select the order→「Refund request(Green frame)」.
After receiving the refund request, Cingjing Travel Agency will calculate the refundable amount according to the refund rules.

14% off
NT$ 175 NT$ 150
  • 11.2K Viewed
NT$ 175
14% off
NT$ 150